Saturday, January 1, 2011

4G LTE Phone By HTC


Recently.......HTC and Android meet themselves to build a high end LTE phone which runs on 4G platform .....but before they surprise us...they found themself's nowhere.......when the images get leaked on the  internet are some ...Enjoy the Magic .....and feel the power you will be having in the coming few months


Samsung's New Advent-NX11 mirrorless camera

Samsung is always known to ask themself 's what would would be next as"wht's NXT".........they think about the Generation Coming in future and set challenges for themselves to build a better and awesome world to live in.

This time Samsung did exactly the same with the advent of NX11 known as I-Functional NX11 Mirrorless camera.

It is the first Mirror-less Interchangeable Lens Camera The NX11 will come complete with an 18-55mm i-Function lens, as well as two new i-Function lenses, a 20mm pancake and a 20-50mm zoom silver colour lens.

The new i-Function system allows photographers to naturally use their left hand to change the camera's advanced settings via a button built into the i-Function lens, without needing to take the camera off the target. 

Android!! Android!! - All Over The Place

Android is an open source platform to built applications that are user friendly with GUI.

When the Android Os came into existence, it had a slow start. It started with 34 apps and nine games. In March 2009, the number had risen to 2,300 apps, and the number went on to 20,000 by the end of the year. In April 2010 the market had 38,000 apps to display, which grew to 70,000 in July. The growth rate is expected to surge further.

Reports all over the world have shown that Android is now the highest selling mobile OS and speculate that by 2012 and Android will grow bigger than Symbian OS commonly used by Nokia. 

But till date the Apple still holds the top spot with over 300,000 apps in its Store. With over 2.5 billion downloads